
Love the exotic



Rubicon’s 2013 Love The Exotic campaign was developed in line with the new Mango Light product launch.

Rubicon’s 2013 advertising campaign had been developed to strengthen the brands relationship with current consumers, as well as encourage new consumers to try the new product.

Building on research highlighting the real passion current consumers have for the brand, The Minimart developed a new ‘Love the exotic’ campaign, which focuses on the brands most popular flavour, Mango. The two films produced, used dance and music as a metaphor for the multi sensory experience of the drinks whereas the print illustrated the fun light nature of the new product.

The Campaign broke on the 14th May with a media spend of £3m.

TVC 1:  30 second
Rubicon Love The Exotic
Waterfall Creative

TVC 2:  30 second
Rubicon Love The Exotic
Beach Creative


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