
Sound Lovers


Our vision was to convey a genuine love for music, liberating individuals as music provides an escapism from the freneticism of day to day life.

It’s About magnetism. About those connections we make when our senses are heightened. To show how music is a force that draws us together, changes our perceptions, and brings order to the world around us.

To launch Oppo’s new PM-3 mid range headphone through out the UK and European markets we developed the Irresistible Sound campaign.

The aim was to depict how music can seemingly bring to life the city around us. We see how the wearer of OPPO headphones develops a special bond and association with the streets and people around them as they are immersed in their quality audio experience.

To bring the creative thought alive in print we propose the technique of using double-exposed photography allowing us to tell our story in a purely visual way. By showing sound lovers listening to music and seemingly becoming at one with the hip, urban landscape around them we could demonstrate the immersive nature of irresistible sound.


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